Monday, June 2, 2008

Last Days in Brazil!

Well, it has come to my last week in Brazil.

After 3 months im unfortunately leaving and moving onto Australia for the Shark Island Challenge.

Magno and I are here in Sao Paulo visiting Francis, a family friend of mine and also some people.

We had a very long Bus ride down from Guarapari. 16 hours!!!!!!...
We were stuck in traffic heading into Sao Paulo for 2 hours!

Firstly i want to thank Magno's Parents and Family for the most awesome time i had in Brazil.
My Brazilian Parents certainly looked after me from Day one till the day i left.

They are the most kindest people in the world and i wish them all the success, happiness and health forever!!!...

Gugu the Flamengista nut!!..Awesome guy!..
To Marlon and Mayko, Thank you heaps for all the laughs and futebol games we had!!... We kicked ass and i'll be back to keep playing!!...
VIVA FLAMENGO!!!!.... Obrigado my brother!

Katherine, pssshhhh, the Pink Buoy!!..Thanks for all the great times and laughs!!.. Take care and i wish you much health and i will look after Magno for you!!.. Now worries in the world!!.. He is safe :D

Tiago!, i'll be coming back and we will go partying for sure together in August!!!.. Don't you worry!!!...
Keep checking the blog because daily for you it will be updated!!!!... UZMI ARE ILLUMINADED!!!

Klauss, the Uzmi Designer, contracted now for life!!!.. Thanks for everything you have done to help me, the laughs, the sharks in regencia and many more good times together!!!

Rufinho, the chicken legged Coach!!.. Together with magno and I we will create a great team of Valadao's!!! Whooooooo!!!!

Saulo, best of luck with the escola bodyboarding!!!.. Keep it up and never give up!!.. Much health for your newborn coming in the next few months!!!

Gaushu, the Bicha from Guarapari!!.. Keep up your work brother, ride that motorcycle and dont fall off anymore and im looking forward to seeing some designs for Uzmi!!!...

Lots of Love to you all!!...

Everyone else i met whilst i was there, thanks for all the great times had and the friendships created for life!!!....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Rhyees,

Why bring more joy to this house, for teaching me to speak English, because the mine is very bad, for ALL!

Congrats also to be more a happy flamenguista and not a sad vascaino.
Let us pray that this year Brazilian champion Flamengo will be!

Thank you again until August with beautiful pictures of all this tour you and Magno will do now, and as the title of stage too.

Big hugs!
