Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Churrasco in the Oliveira House!!

Churrasco (pronounced shoo-RAS-koo) or Brazilian barbecue was the traditional staple food of the gaúchos or cowboys of Southern Brazil for centuries before it spread to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

It has become very fashionable and there are excellent churrascarias (restaurants specializing in Brazilian barbecue) all over Brazil and around the world. These are called churrascaria de rodízio because waiters move from table to table bringing different types of meats on skewers from which they slice portions onto your plate.

The meat was originally cooked over a grill with coals, usually in a pit dug in the ground, skewered in metal spits. The only seasoning was coarse salt and each gaúcho had his own churrasco knife which he used to cut pieces of meat from the spit. People in southern Brazil have churrasco pits built in their backyards with bricks or incorporated into a wall with decorative tiles around the edges.

I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!... It tastes amazing yet so simple!!..
I'm bringing this recipe back home for sure!!..

The day starts like this..........
Magno, Saulo, Tiago, Luis, Rufino and I had a great day of surfing!

We woke up early at 6:30 and heard the waves were good. Rufino and Saulo came past to pick us up.
We arrived at Setiba to some nice waves, offshore winds and the occasional barrel.

I was first into the water, couldnt wait. Everyone else was still on the beach about to enter into the water when i got my first wave and it turned into a nice small Barrel that spitted out. My first barrel of Brazil!!.. Wooohoooo!!..

hahaha, I've progressed alot with the bodyboarding its awesome!.. Thanks Magno!!..

The rest of the day the boys had an awesome fun surf.
The wind picked up around lunch time so we decided to call it quits and head home.
We had a great day, Family and friends were over back home and we had a nice afternoon BBQ!..

Unfortunately there was no photos as we were all in the water all day :D

It was time for the Churrasco!!..
These Brazilians know how to cook endless amounts of food!..

My plate was packed with all this food it was crazy!!.. And Magno just kept putting more and more on until i said OI i cant eat anymore man seriously!!!..

Check out the pics below... An awesome day had!!

The Grill!!
Traditional Brazilian BBQ
The Chef!!
Our plates and never ending food!
Top level of Magno's house
View from the 3rd level (top) of the street
Top level 
I Gots the big piece of meat!!

By then it was late afternoon and the sun had settled. The full moon was here.
We went down to the beach and watched the moon rise. Took some pics..I know its the moon but yes I tried to be creative. :D

Impressed with this shot.. Better than NASA!

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