Thursday, January 31, 2008

Small Waves & Exercise Time!

25th Jan left us with small waves, good lunch from Magno and a great sunset!.
Magno and i spent some time around his house relaxing, catching up, photoshoot and teaching me the exercises he learnt from Mike!.

Then watched a bit of the Australian Open on ESPN which was cool..

Man these exercises were hard and weird for the body. But once completed, i felt amazingly relaxed and the body was free of strain. This ball is the best thing thats been invented.

There wasnt much action in the water at all. Raining on and off as well so not the best of weather. It's good to relax for a day.
Helps the mind and body rest and allows for focus to begin for future days of surfing.

Magno & Mark surfed in the afternoon and then we watched a great sunset from the house and on the beach.

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